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Personal Training · Health Coaching

Nick Bellofatto
Aug 21, 20179 min read
A Humble Reflection of Adversity: Recovery is Possible
A drug addict’s life is very similar to a haunted house, and the saddest part is, it always leads you back to the same desperate place -...
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Nick Bellofatto
Aug 18, 20178 min read
A Humble Reflection of Adversity: Rock Bottom
There is something to be said for being completely removed from society for a month and a half with no means of communication to the...
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Nick Bellofatto
Jul 31, 20178 min read
A Humble Reflection of Adversity: Halfway There
I can vividly remember stepping off the plane in Florida and thinking to myself, “what did I just get myself into?” Before I could even...
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Nick Bellofatto
Jun 30, 20177 min read
A Humble Reflection of Adversity: Higher Learning
There I was, a recent high school graduate caught in the midst of a terrible heroin and crack cocaine addiction. Hindsight is always...
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Nick Bellofatto
Jun 19, 201711 min read
A Humble Reflection of Adversity: Lost in Translation
Before I continue on with my story I would like to mention that I was overcome with anxiety as I was brainstorming this installment in...
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Nick Bellofatto
Jun 13, 20179 min read
A Humble Reflection of Adversity: Who am I?
Whenever someone asks me to describe myself, I almost always become confused and uneasy about what that question actually means. Do they...
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Nick Bellofatto
Jun 8, 20173 min read
A Humble Reflection of Adversity
Over the past few decades, writers and psychologists have been focusing on the specific amount of time it takes to become a "master" at...
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